
Showing posts from December, 2021

09 - Animation

  I definitely spent the most time working on my animation out of any other project. It took my a lot of hours spanning over many days, and my animation totaled about 358 frames. I filmed my friend Lena having a meltdown over Gossip Girl and then animated it, and I love looking back at it and seeing an animated version of her freaking out. The soundtrack to go along with the animation took me a while to figure out because I didn’t know what type of music would go along with her freaking out, however I am proud of the outcome. I spent a lot of time working on this project, but I think it went towards a great outcome, as I genuinely want to show other people my animation because of the amount of effort I put in making it. I pushed myself a lot with this project, but it was completely worth it looking at the end product.